

What is your best JLN memory?

Learning to grow and changing my fears into strengths. 

How has the program changed your college experience?

During the pandemic year, communication and networking have become challenging, but JLN has taken major and strategic steps of networking, communication, and socialization that helps to assess the strengths required for leadership and engaged learning experience to succeed and excel in our goals. Through JLN, I was able to break the barrier of communication, introduce myself to others, make connections with my peers and professors, and develop my professional and leadership strengths.

Through JLN, I was able to break the barrier of communication, introduce myself to others, make connections with my peers and professors, and develop my professional and leadership strengths.


How has the program helped you build relationships and connections?

Before JLN, I was finding difficulty in making connections and accessing my resources on campus. Every time, I was seeking the answer of “How?” How can I make connections with research professors? How can I get a job on campus? How to get involved in clubs and organizations at IUPUI? How to know the opportunities available on and off campus? How can I lever myself up as a college student? How can I engage in college? How can I build leadership? How can I make a network? How can I build professional development? And, how to communicate? These “Hows” were stopping me to accomplish my goals and finding the true version of myself. Through JLN, I encountered a drastic increase in understanding the needs for my goals and success. My involvement in JLN expands my social and networking circles. I got a chance to learn and develop the skills that are fundamental to build my foundation in leadership and engaged networking.