Communication Studies students at IUPUI (now IU Indianapolis) participate in a capstone course (COMM-G480: Capstone in Communication Studies) in which they complete an Applied Communication Project and prepare a CN ePortfolio that showcases the knowledge and competencies they have acquired throughout their studies.
In Communication Studies, ePortfolios are used to help students archive and reflect on their learning related to specific “Learning Outcomes in Communication” (LOCs) from Gateway to Capstone. In the gateway course (COMM-G100) students participate in a workshop in which they create and learn to curate their CN ePortfolio. Throughout their course of study, students are encouraged to use the ePortfolio to collect evidence of and reflect on their identity and their learning related to the LOCs.
In the Capstone, the focus shifts from this more self-reflective use of ePortfolios to using them as a vehicle for communicating competencies. Students participate in workshops designed to help them create “Showcases” that demonstrate what they know and can do and tell their story as an emerging communication professional.