For my immersion experience I incorporated a variety of factual information regarding immigration stories in order to describe in-detail the stories of different immigrants. I also have included a YouTube video of me sharing...
W131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry is offered by the Writing Program through IUPUI’s (now IU Indianapolis's) School of Liberal Arts. This first-level course teaches skills of critical reading, thinking, and writing to help students meaningfully engage artifacts, events, and issues in our world. The course builds students' abilities to read written and cultural texts critically, to analyze those texts in ways that engage both students' own experiences and the perspectives of others, and to write about those texts for a range of audiences and purposes as a means of participating in broader conversations. In several W131 sections, students engage in Project Based Learning through a semester-long immersion experience project. Students select a semester project, then compose a film review, feature-style narrative article, and formal argument exploring aspects of their topic. Students share their works with external audiences through course-based ePortfolios. The 2021 Engaged Learning Showcase features select student ePortfolios from each W131 course with Project Based Learning and an ePortfolio component.