Jayla Jacobs

Jayla Jacobs

What has your JLN experience been like?

My JLN experience has been very eye-opening and enjoyable. I feel I have learned so much about myself over the past two years that I would not have learned if I hadn't been offered this opportunity.

What has impacted you the most throughout the JLN program?

I feel the required meetings that we had during my first year of the JLN program have impacted me the most. I hadn't really got to meet many people because my first year of college was impacted by COVID, and then for my second year, we were mostly online. The meetings did a really great job in allowing me to network and meet other students who weren't in my degree program. The meetings also served as a safe space for me to express my feelings and know that someone was listening, and for that, I am very appreciative of the JLN program.

What would you say to incoming JLN Scholars?

To the incoming JLN Scholars, do not be afraid to participate and meet new people within the JLN program. Networking is a key part of college, and you never know who someone can connect you with or what knowledge they may have to offer you. JLN is an amazing opportunity and I encourage you to take full advantage of it.