Sydney Helminger

Sydney Helminger

What has your JLN experience been like?

As an incoming JLN student, I had no idea what to expect, why I got selected, or if it was right for me. I suffered from imposter syndrome telling me that, even though I was selected to be a part of JLN, I still wasn't good enough. Since being in the JLN program, I have realized my worries could not be further from the truth. I have been taught how to break down imposter syndrome barriers, recognize and utilize my strengths, be more engaged in my community, and gained insight on networking. During times when school was getting tough, especially around midterm and finals, JLN provided activities and the comforting support I needed to push through and succeed.

I have been taught how to break down imposter syndrome barriers, recognize and utilize my strengths, be more engaged in my community, and gained insight on networking.

Sydney Helminger

What has impacted you the most throughout the JLN program?

College can feel incredibly lonely and leave you questioning why you are even there, but the connections I made throughout the JLN program have made me realize I am right where I need to be. For me, the JLN program has created a home away from home and has made me feel as though I have a purpose on campus. Recently, I have utilized the leadership skills and knowledge I have gained and applied them in an interview for a job that would help me gain valuable experience in my future career. The strengths that I found out I had through the JLN program was exactly what the administrative support specialist was looking for, and I got the job! I know that experiences like this are only going to continue to happen as I grow as a leader in JLN.

What would you say to incoming JLN Scholars?

I would tell incoming JLN Scholars how much of an amazing opportunity being in the program is and how special they are to have been selected. Being in JLN is an honor, and it needs to be treated that way, so do your best to attend everything you can and to make as many connections as you can in the program. The Institute for Engaged Learning is a great place to spend your free time. Most importantly, communication is key! The faculty that work with JLN are there to provide a welcoming and engaging environment for you to learn and develop leadership skills; trust me when I say they have your best interests at heart and would be more than happy to help through difficult times.