Tianna Roundtree

Tianna Roundtree

What has your JLN experience been like?

My JLN experience has been beneficial to my academic and professional career. In the first year, the group meetings and discussions helped me learn and develop skills I was unaware that I had. I do not think I would be as successful as I am in my second-year engaged learning experience if I had not had these first-year group meetings and discussions. They were able to provide me with the necessary trust in myself that I would be able to complete an engaged learning experience successfully. JLN has also been a great support system for me; I have developed new friends and relationships that I have been able to rely on in times of need.

JLN has also been a great support system for me; I have developed new friends and relationships that I have been able to rely on in times of need.

Tianna Roundtree

What has impacted you the most throughout the JLN program?

One aspect of the JLN program that has impacted me the most is the small group sessions. During the group sessions, it was comforting to hear peer thoughts on each of the topics we learned about. Hearing other students talk about their experiences showed me that I was not alone and that everyone has their own challenges and differences. This made me feel connected because I knew that I could contribute thoughts and ideas that could possibly help guide and support other students. Another aspect that has had a great impact on me is seeing the way the skills I gained in the first year transferred to real-life application in the second year. Seeing these skills transfer has given me confidence that I really can join the professional world and succeed. 

What would you say to incoming JLN Scholars?

The number one thing I would say to incoming JLN Scholars is that they do not need to be afraid that they will not meet expectations because everyone comes into this program with different levels of engagement and experiential knowledge. All of the JLN faculty are here to support and encourage their individual growth, no matter what previous experience they have. The JLN faculty will be a huge support system that they can rely on throughout their academic journey.