Types and Functions of Resources for Parents who have children with Autism
Despite parents of kids with Autism’s primary role in managing their child’s needs, parents often have difficulties in navigating service systems, finding relevant information about their child’s diagnosis on the Spectrum, and accessing proper health care and community resources. This can lead to higher levels of stress and an emotional toll on the parents. Caregivers and parents have a multitude of information and resources that it can be overwhelming to determine which sites are credible and which ones are not effective. The literary review I am conducting is a preliminary search for a bigger project the lab will be conducting in the future. The information I find will be used to create a crisis ready parallel pathway to accessing services in instances where in person services are not an option due to COVID-19, expense, or location. This pathway will make it easier for Parents of kids with Autism to access credible resources that can be relevant to them. We would be building an alternative platform that could be used at a lower cost than the traditional interventions.
Supervisor: Dr. Jill FodstadDepartment: Psychiatry