MXene qubits

Amber Pagan, Archit Shah, and Indranil Roy

This project works to functionalize MXenes, a relatively new class of 2D titanium carbide molecules, by using a DCC coupling mechanism (Steglich esterification). The mechanism works by covalently attaching a poly(ethylene glycol) ligand to the surface of the MXene. A ligand is simply known as an ion or molecule that binds to a central metal atom in a molecule. Covalently bonding the poly(ethylene glycol) ligand to the MXene will increase its solubility and allow the MXene to be used in further reactions. Mentor: Babak Anasori

Group Members


Amber Pagan

Major: Chemistry
School of Science


Archit Shah

Major: Chemistry
School of Science


Indranil Roy

Major: Physics
School of Science